目前分類:Daily Life (64)

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Since I finished my trip back to Taiwan, I started to look for job and after couple months of searching, I finally found a way to meet an agency who is willing to have a short interview with me to see if she could find me a proper position. Our meeting will be on Jan. 8, next week.

To be honest, I have no big confidence on myself to find a job I want here. It's not easy in many different ways, such as language and experience. It's Montreal so you need to speak French. As for experience, who would want to hire a not-enough-experience coming from outside of Canada? I understand all the prospectives and all the difficulties but I still have to try. The girl of the agency told me on the phone that their clients wish to have someone have experience within Canada. I understand but I need some chances. I explained to her my situation and it's actually a good start that she is willing to hear me out in person about my experience.

AlloMademoiselle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

It's been 8 months I live here and graduatelly, I realized more and more things here. And most of them, I do not understand why they would choose to do this.

Most of people here choose NOT to get married but they live together, rent the place together, or even they but a house together. And yes, they do not get married, no wedding, no shit but yes, they have kids together, of course. It's a little bit hard to imagine the reason why they do it like this. To avoid the heavy responsibility? To try to live together to see if it's fit? To not give it a shit about the "paper" that tight them together? Or, it's just a fashion here?

AlloMademoiselle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Last night, I had this weird dream. I saw an airplane crashed in front of me, the airplane lost her power and she was trying so hard to land on the ground but she didn't make it. And when she finally hitted the ground, everything explored. I used my body to cover a kid from getting hurt. It didn't casue a lot of fire but the plane was crashed on the grass, instead of into the buildings. I even went to take a look at the airplane and good thing is I didn't see anybody, but just a crashed plane with those seats exposed. It was crashed into two pieces and you don't really see the head of the airplane at all. It's gone!

I don't understand why I have a dream like this because I don't remember I saw any movie about airplane lately. But I remember that I was trying everything to protect the kid I do not know and even find the kid way back home. And when I woke up from the dream, I felt myself was still feeling it, as if the dream was real and it took me another 5 mins to realize that it's only a dream and then finally, got rid of that weird feelings.

AlloMademoiselle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

To care about your family, you are not only care about their feeling, healthy, everything but also you should share and enjoy things together. Sharing, for me, in Taiwan's culture is very important. Sometimes, you go out and find some good food, you would buy some and bring them home to share with your family because you want them to feel the "happiness" as you enjoyed the food. You sometimes buy gifts because those gifts make you think about them and that's maybe the way you show them your careness. Of course, these gifts don't have to cost a lot but the point is, it shows that you miss them and you care about them.

For example:

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Remember that day I arrived Montreal, it was winter and of course, snowing. Freezing like the city is in silence but yet, on the street, there were still many people finishing partying and trying to get on the night bus to go home. That day, I was standing on the street, feeling cold, breathing cold, and not sure what's gonna happen after. We steped into the bus, nothing I could really see through the windows because it's too cold outside, and there was heater inside. Everyone on that bus was wearing heavy boots, melting water was everywhere and the color was black. You could even see the snow on the boots and get ready to be melted by the heater. I was curious to see everyone's face but at the same time, I was afraid that it would be offensive to do so. I did not know where I was and was wondering how people know which one is their stop because there's no sign in the bus to tell you the name of the stop and it was so dark outside to tell.

AlloMademoiselle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Since I was a kid, I have my own table to put my own stuffs and do my own things. And until we moved to another apartment, I started have my own room and everything, so I didn't really know the feeling when you have no your own place. Like my cousin, she lives with her parents, her brother, and also her grand-parents in a not-very-big appartment and she always admire me because I have my own room. I didn't really know her feeling but finally I started to understand.

After my brother got married, because the parents of my sister-in-law would help to take care of their kid, so my brother moved to live in with them. A lot of time, he told me that he doesn't expect too much that time but he just wanna have his own table so that he could put his own stuffs there and do his own things. Again, I didn't understand his feeling well and after he got his own apartment, I still didn't "really" understand why he has this happy face. His happiness seems more than that. But now, I understand why.....

AlloMademoiselle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Last week, I had one week vacation without French classes. It was supposed to be a wonderful since I finally got to rest for one week after non-stop classes for 5 months, but hell, I have this "gout" problem come after me. I thought it wouldn't be that serious but thing didn't go the way I wanted it to be tho. Therefore, I couldn't walk properly for two weeks now.

I have to tell you that it was hurting like hell for more than a week and my feet is like a big bread. When it comes to the night, it's the worst because the blood goes slower when you do not move, so it hurts much more than you could imagine. Therefore, I didn't sleep well for about 5 days. The night before, I woke up almost every hour and it's seriously torture me a lot.

AlloMademoiselle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

2010 was a very interesting year for me because I experienced the worst thing and the best thing. Well, skip the worst thing because it really worths nothing to mention it again. Besides, I'd bitched about it for so many times already and I am fucking sure that you wouldn't wanna hear it anyways. Thus, lets take about the culture shock part 2.

Lets say it can be categorized in the "good thing of 2010". Well, maybe it's not really the culture difference but from the way I look at it, it's maybe workable.

AlloMademoiselle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Well, I usually have this problem when it comes to speak out. Sometimes, I am like my mom who really hate to cause any trouble to others so we always try to do everything on our own, even sometimes, we atually need some help from others. So, here is the most recent example I could give you now......seriously, I was fucking stupid!!

Couple days ago, I went out to explore some groceries which might be on sales. In here, they usually ask you if you really need bags for those you buy, and somehow, I fucking freaked out in front of the cashier when the woman asked me in French. Well, here is the deal, they don't charge you for the bag like Taiwan does. But hell, at that moment, "charge" came into my mind and I really thought that woman was gonna charge me for the god damn bag so I said, "non, merci" as if I was refusing her help. And ha, there were even TWO all-grown-up men unpacking my stuffs and walked away with some disappointments. And guess what, I got a pack of crabs, a box of on-sales eggs, and the god damn on-sales 24 rolls of toilet paper. Of course, I need one fucking bag for the crabs and eggs I just fucking refused. Gee...what the fuck is going on with me?!

AlloMademoiselle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

He is the second person who suicided in my life. He is my cousin and he suicided for some reason we don't know. He didn't end up his life immediately, instead he choose to die slowly so that maybe he got chance to see everybody.

Years ago, I went to this private school to study English grammar with my aunt. There was this girl who is about 30 years old. She always wears beautiful makeup and always dress nicely. You couldn't know if she is well-mannered until you got to spend some time with her. But one thing that she had is that she wants everything to be perfect so she put loads of stress on herself. Stress from her rich family, stress from work, and stress from no where. Therefore, sometimes, you would see her talk to herself because she's unsatisfied with something she did. After getting alone with her for about an year, one day, someone told me that she would never come to school again because she suicided.

AlloMademoiselle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I've learned this phrase, culture shock, when I was in College. We talked about culture differences and I really love this phrase because it could be a "shock" in reality.

It's been about 4 weeks staying here and I did not really see any big difference that shocks me. They had Christmas parties, people always bring their own drinks to the parties (interesting), and they eat fucking late for a long time (well, I learned that before but it's turely the first time I experience it....it's really fucking long). They love to talk a lot, a lot, a lot, and that's something I am not quite used to because they all speck French and in our family, we don't really talk that much when having meal. I recalled that I always asked my nephews and niece to shut up while eating. Anyways, non of these shock me too much tho but......couple days ago, I found something.

AlloMademoiselle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

When I was a kid, thought how great it will be to have my own family since I live in a happy one. But the older we grow, the more scary we are. Everything we are planning to do seems to be a big bet for us because there are too much to consider and once you make the decision, you have to take all the outcomes no matter what.

To live with someone is not an easy thing, and I just realized that couple weeks ago. A lot of things needed to be adjusted, even your living ways because you are not living in your own room any more. Everything has to be shared and there are different rules for different people. Like how to do laundry, how to fold the clothes, how to put the dishes, ......blah blah blah...a lot, a lot needed to be learned and communcation is not really an easy thing to do tho.

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Happy New Year, Taiwan....You are 100 years old!!!

This year, I am not in Taiwan, I am in Montreal, Canada. It's a pity that I didn't celebrate Taiwan's 100 years old because it's really such a special day for all Taiwanese.

AlloMademoiselle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

I always remember this sentence, the older you are, the more you think. Over 25 years old, the reality hits me harder and harder and I've been forced to think as much as I could before I make any decision. Every step seems always so hard to step out because you have to think over all the consequences and take all the responsibilities when it comes to the end. Therefore, you'd be very careful to make any move. It's good for me but somehow, there is possibilty that I've lost my chance already.

When the time that lady told me that sentence, I did not really understand what she meant. But now, I understand very well because the older you are, the more burden/responsibility you need to take. It's not something you could choose because it is your life and you are the only one who got to decide how to live.

AlloMademoiselle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Life seems to joke me around these days to let me see the bad sides from the others. Frustrated me with unemployment, crashing me with friends' lost, and shocking me with relative's suicide. Life lesson is really the hardest one to learn and what worst is that nobody could get away from it.

I didn't quite know how to react when I first knew these things. But I remember I felt bad and then took some time to pick up myself piece by piece. I asked myself what heppened....why this kinda thing would happen on such good person....

AlloMademoiselle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Lisa is my old classmae back to college. I didn't know her much at that time but yesterday, I learned something from her.

When she was young, her parents got divorced and then her mother married to another man in her age, twelve. She has a handicapped brother who has hearing difficulty. In her father's opinion, she is the one who should take care of her brother for the rest of her life. In fact, her brother does have ability to take care of himself and of course, he could go to work with smaller salary. But her father is over-protected her brother and wants to put everything on her. Two years ago, she insists on not taking this responsibility to live on the life she wants, so she's moved out since then but visited her father and brother from time to time.

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It's been about 3 weeks, I feel a twitch at my left eye and it seems that it's not gonna stop any soon. Don't like this feeling at all because for God sake, I am really not sure what it means. I hope it's not gonna be something bad tho. Even if it really means something bad, I hope there is a light somewhere in front of me to point me a right direction. I feel kinda lost in here and I got no idea what I want and what I shall do to make things right. Seriously, I don't wanna mess things up any soon....at least, I really want, in the bottom line, things could go in a smoother way.

Hopefully, I could find out what's the best for me and just keep it in this way for a long while tho. After all, I still have to make each day count for me, myself, only!!

AlloMademoiselle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This April, I've been lucky to visit this special city, Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. This is a small city because you don't really have to take train to reach any spot. Walking under sun shine along with canal would be the best idea to walk around the city. And it's actully a quite safe place to walk around because there are too many visitors who you couldn't even really recognize if they are local people or not, unless they have a city map in their hands.


AlloMademoiselle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Just checked, it was about an year ago I came writing here; thought that it should be longer. I remember the reason why I started this blog but I don't remember the reason why I stop blogging.

There were many many things happening this 2010. Most of them are not good things but I am glad that I got through them all. After all, I survive but I am not really proud of myself because I think I've changed, changed to a person I am not appreciated at all.

AlloMademoiselle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It's the second day of 2010 and I learned something interesting about me.

I learned myself like to run away from things I dislike. Well, okay, maybe many people do so because that's the thing they dislike but what I meant is sometimes, I thought everything is cool and I've got over it. But it's not always true.

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