
We are all experiencing economic crisis together on earth, because of the stupidness of human beings. Some of you might not suffer from it, instead your business is getting fucking good. Then, maybe you can think of treating people a little bit nicer. I meant at least treat your employees a little bit better should not even harm any piece of you.

We sure understand that every boss wanna minimize their cost in the office by using minimum employees. But hell, now almost every employee is doing 2~3 people's workload. They keep their mouth shut and try to work harder just to keep their job without being laid off, whatever they are doing is just to have this salary to raise their family. Thus, why don't you give them a break, and try not to push or squeeze them that much? There is very high possibility that they can work much more if you just treat them a little bit better; they even will appreciate you to give them the opportunity!

Another thing is that it's great to know that you might need some more employees to work for you. For you, you have a lot of choices to make because there are thousands of people looking for job. And of course, it doesn't mean you can mock or be sarcastic while interviewing. Again, you are not going to lose anything if you can just treat people a little bit nice or polite. You are a business people, you should know this better that you should not only treat your customers well, but also your suppliers. And also please, be honest!! Don't monk your employees.....they are not the one who steal your business away!

Sure, there are dumb people in this world, but not everybody is the same. However, the most important thing in your life should live without diginity. Do things that you will never regret for the rest of your life, even some little thing.

My point is a little understanding will only improve your company's reputation. Encouragement, and even a smile will also be a great motivation for employees to work for you.


    創作者 AlloMademoiselle 的頭像

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